Sevilla – a place that enchants!

I had the fantastic chance to accompany a friend of mine visiting Seville – she looking out for a new place to life – me to explore more of the different sides and cities of Spain.

As always when I land somewhere it starts to rain and so was the welcome in Seville – it just something I start to smile about especially cause out of the time this sort of rain has a wonderful partnership with rainbows.

The seven days in that lively city just passed by like a second – so many things to discover and see – so many cultures that really brandmarkend the city and left a wonderful breathtaking mixture or architecture – moorish, roman, gipsy.

Almost every place was crowded by tourists – and still the Sevillan@s are welcoming everybody very heartfelt, with a big smile – open and helpful. It is easy to get into a chat about life with them and it is also very easy feel at home.

I didn’t say good-bye – it was a see you soon again!


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